When paying by credit card you will need your parcel access number.

Click here to find your parcel access number in Dutchess County's Parcel Mapping System

 All applications can be emailed if possible or dropped off in the drop box located on the front door of Town Hall.  We prefer payment by credit card, mail or drop box.  Once payment is made, your permit will be emailed to the address on the application.  

**ONLY contractors need to have applications notarized

Notice updated 3/23/17
The Town of Union Vale Board passed newly adopted legislation on August 18th 2016 mandating interior inspections of all properties that will result in the refinancing and/or transfer of parcels.  This will encompass both residential and commercial properties. 

This inspection process ensures that any work performed on a structure after the effective date of August 4th 1964 that may have required building permits are in full compliance with Town of Union Vale and New York State Building Codes.

It is suggested that these on-site inspections are scheduled in advance of closing dates to ensure adequate time to bring any possible violations into compliance with all regulations of the code provisions.

Circumventing this process in any way will result in any new subsequent owner bearing the responsibility of assuming all possible violations on the parcel or within the structure. 

The new title fee, which includes the interior inspection, has been set at $250.00.  This will take effect on September 6th 2016.  The application must be completely filled out, specifically with all contact names and numbers present.
Feel free to contact my office via email with any questions on this new process.  

The Town of Union Vale Fire Inspector,

Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer 

Office Hours:  Monday through Thursday - 8 AM to 2:30 PM

Friday: By Appointment

Building Department Clerk:  Emily Cole

Monday through Thursday - 8:00 AM to 4 PM

(845)724-5600 Ext. 108
Email: pbzba@unionvaleny.us 

 Regarding the Department of Code Enforcement for the Town of Union Vale N.Y.

Our office is charged with the administration and enforcement of the New York State Building Codes and the local Codes of the Town of Union Vale. This insures the safety and protection of Town of Union Vale residents as well as to insure compliance building practices of work requiring building permits.

All residents and applicants are urged to use this webpage for their convenience and help in applying for all necessary permits issued by this office. It is necessary for all information to be completed in full for any applications to be processed without delay. ALL CONTACT INFORMATION INCLUDING PHONE, FAX, CELL PHONE AND EMAIL ADDRESS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SUPPLIED. The provided consent form from the owner of record must be supplied to allow any contractor to apply for building permits. All applications and forms are available in our office at town hall and can also be downloaded from this web site. An abstract fee of $250.00 will begin on September 1, 2016. 

To download application forms, click on this link:

Union Vale Town Code Book

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.  When do I need a building permit?

A Building Permit is generally needed when any minor or major electrical, plumbing, or structural work is done to a building. It is best to call and ask our trained code enforcement officer for direction.

2.  Do I need to hire a licensed contractor?

No license requirements are needed at this time in the Town of Union Vale. Owners may do their own work with a notarized statement. All contractors must supply all appropriate insurance forms before any application will be processed.

3.  How do I know if a building permit has been issued?

It is the responsibility of every owner to obtain a building permit for work being done. Always ask the contractor doing work to see the building permit issued from this office and post on the premises easily seen from the street. You should contact this office regarding any questions on this issue.

4. What should I do when selling real estate in the Town of Union Vale?

All residents are urged to make an appointment with our office to see their property file well in advance of any sale. You may review all your property documents to verify that all certificates for work are in order. Work may have been done on the property without the benefit of the required building permits needed. This will give ample time to correct any discrepancies that may exist.

5. What steps do I need to take to file a complaint ?

Any resident filing a complaint for suspected violations of Town of Union Vale Code must fill out and provide our formal complaint form located in our office. This is to insure that if any legal action is taken, all proper documentation is provided to the court. All necessary steps will be taken to insure the privacy of any complaint submitted to this office under the general guidance of the NY State Freedom of Information Law. (NYS FOIL).



​*Please be aware if you have recently purchased a new home in the Town of Union Vale a copy of your H.U.D. closing statement will be required for transfer of legal ownership of the parcel into our database.  This will allow permits to be issued under you, as the new owner. 

Ground Solar Information 

The Code and policy of this office are as follows for Political and or signage in the Town of Union Vale.

All election signage is to be installed no earlier than 10 days before the official election date (early voting dates do NOT apply for early installation.)  Any sign placed or adversely affecting the Town/ State or County Right of Way will be removed before that date.  The policy of this office is however, that any political sign placed outside of these Right of Ways approximately 8’ from edge of roadway and on private property will not be removed.  Please note that this policy is not only to keep the aesthetic nature of the town but to insure safety for all work that needs to be performed in these R.O.Ws by Highway workers.  


The Code and policy of this office are as follows for Political and or signage in the Town of Union Vale.

All election signage is to be installed no earlier than 10 days before the official election date (early voting dates do NOT apply for early installation.)  Any sign placed or adversely affecting the Town/ State or County Right of Way will be removed before that date.  The policy of this office is however, that any political sign placed outside of these Right of Ways approximately 8’ from edge of roadway and on private property will not be removed.  Please note that this policy is not only to keep the aesthetic nature of the town but to insure safety for all work that needs to be performed in these R.O.Ws by Highway workers.  


We ask that you request all info for FOIL requests in detail.  We will try to locate and provide via email.  Please enter a valid email on the form for faster service. Thank you for your cooperation.

Building Department Forms 



For all Homeowners & Contractors: Please include a legible e-mail address on ALL applications ! 

You will be notified of payment amount by the Building Inspector,  DO NOT PRE-PAY, unless confirmed fee amount in advance.

Code Enforcement Officer

George A. Kolb


​Phone: (845) 724-5953

              (845) 724-5600 Ext. 107

Any property file review must include a completed FOIL request  and a scheduled appointment with our Building Inspector.  

Please see 'Notice to All Paving Contractors' RE: Driveway Permits